"Don’t get emotionally attached when observing your inner world."
Our Blog
"Calm alertness is different from the hypervigilance of anxiety."
"In higher awareness our mind is alert, clear & in perfect balance!"
"Activating higher awareness is also termed being in the zone."
"Our daily life situation is much like a stage drama at the theatre."
"Society encourages us to live as if the drama revolves around us."
"Using different points of view we can better choose our path."
"Higher awareness allows pleasure & fun but with much less stress."
"Holding a state of present-moment awareness can be quite a challenge!"
"Higher awareness is rarely taught in the standard education system."
"We can respond more wisely and lovingly using our inner knowing."
"Higher awareness is the opposite of the illusory & fantasy states."
"Our emotional landscape is best observed from a neutral view."
"Experience your pure emotions without the painful narrative."
"Higher awareness unlocks a wide range of new talents & abilities."
"A higher perspective helps us to better navigate life’s challenges."
"Your Ultimate Quest is the greatest pursuit you could ever envision."
"Start your Ultimate Quest by practising quiet contemplation."
"The best life choices utilise intuition, emotions & logic."
"Being satisfied, fulfilled & at peace means you’re living your passion."
"Everyone’s Ultimate Quest is personal & unique to them."
"Many live in their analytical mind. Others live in the past or the future."
"Higher awareness gives us access to true present moment reality."
"Higher awareness is the key to living a life of passion & purpose."