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Dec 24, 2019
Emotional intelligence - The Book
Welcome to episodes #15-17 of the podcast. In these episodes we explore 'Emotional Intelligence'. Can you properly...

Dec 17, 2019
"The benefits of correctly processing our emotions include insight, wisdom & courage!"
EMOTIONAL PROCESSING is often considered ‘hard work’ and potentially a little unpleasant. So why is it very important to practise and...

Dec 10, 2019
"Process your emotions so ‘inner stress’ will not build up!"
WHAT IS EMOTIONAL PROCESSING? Emotional processing is knowing HOW to successfully deal with an uncomfortable emotion or feeling when they...

Dec 3, 2019
"Learn to release the inner pressure of unprocessed emotions."
IS IT TOO SIMPLE? This challenge of Emotional Processing might seem too simple for some. But are you doing it correctly? Are you...

Nov 26, 2019
Emotional processing is like basic hygiene... Are you emotionally clean?
CHALLENGE 2 will help develop your EMOTIONAL PROCESSING skills. Don’t do the exercise just yet, but carefully consider the instructions...

Nov 19, 2019
"Process emotions to avoid emotional baggage!"
CENTRAL TO OUR WELL-BEING This technique of releasing our emotions and clearing associated memories should ideally become second nature...

Nov 12, 2019
"Avoiding emotions shifts them to your subconscious."
ARE YOU AVOIDING EMOTIONS? So many people are separated or ‘cut off’ from their feelings. They deny, avoid or suppress their emotions!...

Nov 5, 2019
"Try feeling a mild emotion. We must briefly experience it for the emotion to be released!"
START NOW Can you IDENTIFY an emotion you recently felt? One which wasn’t too strong or overwhelming? Don’t tackle anything too difficult...

Oct 29, 2019
"Experience the pure feeling of an emotion. Just observe it."
CONSIDER THE STRENGTH OF AN EMOTION First we practised categorising emotions as feeling either ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Now, consider the...

Oct 22, 2019
"Experiencing an emotion starts its automatic release."
RELEASE EMOTIONS Briefly EXPERIENCE an emotion without becoming fearful or attaching to the story. This automatically STARTS its RELEASE!...

Oct 15, 2019
"Buried emotions will resurface! Release them by feeling them."
Let’s revise what we have learned so far... DON’T AVOID EMOTIONS Emotional hygiene is an essential part of being happy & healthy....

Oct 8, 2019
"Start processing mild emotions. Build your confidence & courage!"
DON’T SUFFER There is no need to unduly suffer in this process! Excessive distress usually indicates a low vibe or poor technique....

Oct 1, 2019
"Dwelling on the storyline only hinders release of the emotion."
DON’T RUMINATE Remember to FOCUS on the PURE FEELING itself. Don’t ruminate or dwell on the mental story! The storyline will distract you...

Sep 24, 2019
"Don't dwell on what went wrong. Don’t get trapped in the story!"
SUMMARY OF CHALLENGE 2 Recall a recent mildly annoying emotion. Briefly re-experience what it feels like, then release & clear it fully....

Sep 17, 2019
"Successfully processed emotions won’t resurface or cause damage"
PRACTISE RELEASING AN EMOTION Practise just sitting with a ‘pure emotion’. Experience that feeling alone and not the attached story....

Sep 10, 2019
"Labelling your emotions will help to find & release them!"
LABEL EMOTIONS Try labelling emotions precisely. Negative emotions include pride, anger, craving, fear, regret, despair, blame & shame....

Sep 3, 2019
"Accurately labelling an emotion makes it easier to locate again."
WHY IDENTIFY AN EMOTION? Why invest so much effort to categorise, rate and label our emotions? First, it makes us feel them! That is...

Aug 27, 2019
"By facing our emotions, we gain wisdom & courage."
GAIN INSIGHT & WISDOM Emotional processing isn’t just about releasing pent up or painful emotions. We also learn and grow from...

Aug 20, 2019
"Re-experiencing an emotion helps target it for processing."
DON'T AVOID EMOTIONS We tend to avoid experiencing unpleasant emotions. Sometimes we deeply hide or REPRESS a painful emotion deep in our...

Aug 13, 2019
"Fully processing an emotion rewires the neural pathway"
SUMMARY OF CHALLENGE 2 Recall a recent mildly annoying emotion. Briefly re-experience what it feels like, then release & clear it fully....

Aug 6, 2019
"If we delay experiencing an emotion, it becomes suppressed."
HANDLE SUPPRESSED EMOTIONS Sometimes it’s not convenient to immediately process an emotion when it first presents. Ignoring or denying an...

Jul 30, 2019
"Emotions that we have refused to face become deeply repressed."
SUPPRESSED EMOTIONS Sometimes we keep avoiding experiencing a painful emotion time & again. We are fearful & don’t feel able to deal with...

Jul 23, 2019
"Negative emotions have a low vibration. Don’t let them drag you down."
PROCESS ‘NEGATIVE’ EMOTIONS It’s especially important to process emotions that feel bad. We should release them quickly! Negative...

Jul 16, 2019
"Low vibration emotions are toxic. Do not let this toxicity build up!"
EMOTIONS WITH EVEN LOWER VIBRATION The feeling of chronic anxiety is an example of a moderate level negative emotion. Anxiety is toxic to...
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