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"Process unwarranted feelings& emotions that hold you back."


Today’s challenge is to practise processing your emotions in real life. Can you sit calmly and observe your doubts & fears? Can you unattach from your negative emotions and let them gently pass? Don’t try to tackle difficult emotions just yet. Start gently by processing mild emotions as they arise. Process unwarranted feelings that are holding you back from positive change. Remain positive. Be brave and embrace new decisions. Good luck! But always seek expert help if needed.


Episode #5 was titled “Are you really satisfied with your life?”. We are likely on track with our life purpose if we feel satisfied and at peace. Dissatisfaction indicates we are not on the right path! There’s a very big difference between tapping into our inner power, versus exerting brute force & control. We encourage you to embrace the power of love, not the love of power.

Remember, materialism never fully satisfies. Realize that you deserve unconditional love. Knowing that you are always loved offers true security, not just temporary safety. This true inner power gives you the confidence to make positive change!

Our Ego is the greatest foe in our quest for meaning & purpose. But the Ego masquerades as our best friend! Our Ego pushes us to self-centered goals that don’t provide lasting happiness. So, recognise when the Ego is up to its tricks! Don’t let unwarranted fear & doubt consume you. Instead, process and release these negative feelings & emotions. By letting go of our fear, we gain courage & wisdom.


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